Monday, December 06, 2010


woke up 5 am with a headache. (which reminds me... i need to get Panadol, i'm just too lazy to get up...)

i'm listening to Christmas songs while the Christmas lights are on, this is how I remind myself that it IS almost christmas.

i like Christmas, but there is always something sad about it. happy and sad, as always. exciting coz it's the time of gift-giving and seeing people we know. (or knew) and i never have figured out what's sad on that.

maybe... (it just occured now) maybe... because i never experienced having christmas with my family. meaning, my mother and father together with my sibs. yeah, maybe that's why...

and so i'm offering the simple phrase... (background music)

but i love organizing children's christmas party. i like seeing them happy and the fact that they don't have to go to my house come christmas day to ask for gift or anything since i have distributed them already, equally. :D well, there is more to those who won.

i just want to make a blog note of one client, by the way... she's keeping her son's account with us, not changing anything, saying she's willing to pay for the plan as long as she lives, just to be able to hear her son's voice mail greeting, as he has already passed away. sad but really touching.

that's all for now i guess... time to get the medicine. i am planning to watch movies all day.

IF... ;)