Sunday, July 04, 2010


that was the number of visits my dark and twisty blog has got... had i checked a little sooner i would have been too happy for myself for being the 1234th.

so anyway, it surprised me that at least 1234 times, some people got this feeling of boredom which made them just click on some links. like mine. :)

flight ticket at P2.60... unbelievable right? but i got them :) special thanks to my sister, who's ever a spoiler. (will tell more come october)

i have a crush... (*kilig*) but i am of course, as ever, in control of my emotions so after 2 weeks or so (sometimes even less), wala na naman yun. hehe. so as of now, i love listening to the song "we could be in love" because the singers sounds like they're soo in love. and i'll just be contented listening. meaning: i don't want to feel what they're feeling. if you want to ask me why, come on --ask me WHY. i won't mind.

i think i'll be blogging again tomorrow same time -so i have to go sleep now. :)