are you happy?

Monday, June 01, 2009

our company driver asked this of me while on the way home. of course, i thought about it thoroughly before i answered......

"no, im not happy" (remembering Mr. Incredible's conversation with his boss: "i'm not happy bob...")

and i was reprimanded! "you should be happy. God gave you all. why are you not happy?"

eh sa hindi nga ako masaya eh...

Of course I AM grateful for all my faculties. i am always thankful for my voice which i use to sing for Him, praise Him... and converse with people. for having complete sets of body parts, (and teeth!) and my eyes, and everything...

but as of now, living and working 4,576 miles from home, how can I possibly be happy?

but of course I can't tell that to him! it's just hard. conversing... :D

sleeping over now at irish's flat. i had a lasagna dinner at macaroni grill, which just opened their bahrain branch 3 or 4 days ago. it was bland. or i just can't reach the pepper coz the table was so wide! their table top was covered with white sheet of paper, and beside the condiments, were crayons.

very creative. of course if they out on something like that, the customers won't notice (so much) that they've been waiting for almost an hour for their food. and when the food has finally been served, you can spill sauce anywhere, anytime you like. coz it'll be your doodles (or drawings if you're much of an artist) you'll be staining, not the table cloth.

we've had few dips on the (cool and salty) pool... and now we're ready to hit the sack. nytnyt.

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