
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

so i just finished reading this book, which is a collection of heartbreaking stories...

here i go again. i mean, the critic in me...

first, there was an introduction. it was a loooooooooooong, boring, not heartbreaking kind of introduction. it will drain half of your reading powers. but i happen to want to read every word from cover to cover, or else, i wouldn't consider the book read.

first chapter... sometimes the ears don't fit... by CARLITOS JOE (sounds like lang!)

so it was told using the first person narration. i have a good body. men fantasize about me... what?! is this man a she? and why does she always brag about her nice physique, and everything she has achieved, followed by i am not bragging here. (it was mentioned, like, 3 or more times!) of course it wasn't a she. but seriously, if the author's name is of a man's and he uses the first person for his story, it's creepy! especially if it started of with at least i am not doing *lowjobs... he could have introduced his character first!

second chapter... i forgot the title... by CHINKY LABRADOR (sounds like na lang din!)

this is one author i most likely will not want to encounter again. punctuations, girl. 

there was a sentence there which goes like this:

mustering a smile while willing the supermarket's unflattering fluorescent lights to beam the woman up to wherever pink plastic hair rollers went to die.

talk about long. and senseless. 

and the woman there was described as Sunflowers-by-Elizabeth-Arden-reeking lady.

and she likes adjectives.

kitschy writing
day-glo box
scratchy sound system
part and parcel of the sad plight (not nice to put them together)
macrobiotic girl

if you happen to read an adjective or two before every noun, you'll feel sad too :(

third chapter... by JONATHAN S.

"3 boxes of facial tissue she is carrying drop to the grocery floor."

...ikaw na bahala mag-hanap ng mali. walang proof-reader?

fourth chapter... letters to joaquin... by E.C. de los Reyes

if you happen to be having a bad day. or a heartbreak, don't read this.

because it really hurts. 

10 short chapters, 13 pages of heart-rending words... all of which i could almost taste in my mouth! sobrang naka-relate daw ako? 

phrases like:

...how casually you break my heart
...throw away the words because i can't bear to keep them
...(cleaning the house when i'm hurting!)
...what-the-****-did-i-do-to-deserve-this moments
...save the words for another savage day

okay i wrote enough. too much in fact.

last chapter::: the electronic journal of Ana Banana... by Sally Magdiwang

this is funny. the thought was heart-breaking, but the story was comical.

she uses phrases like:

"eight year drought is starting to dig cracks on my uteral lining" LOL!

"what's worse, the hotel sits right in front of a hospital where, you know, a lot of people DIE. Four stars my ass." (the last sentence was higlighted by Sharie, the 14-year-old owner of this book and beside it wrote: "WHEE! THAT SOUNDS COOL!!! =D)

that's it. just be prepared before reading this little book. because it's not a light-reader's choice. words will be pouring out to you, though you don't have time for them. words like: rankle, digress, farce, burgeoned into rabid obsession, vacillate, groused, shimmied her hips, and labyrinthine maze...

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