Thursday, July 31, 2014

Somewhere along the starts of this year, I decided to write down my own BUCKET LIST. It was my first time to ever do so...

I don't know what got into me.

Here's the list:

And here's the standing so far:

- Travel to an ASIAN country - (x) ...at least not yet!
- Visit 3 local provinces - (x) ...but I've been to Bacolod three times, and Iloilo three times, too, so does that count?? ^_^ No? Okay.
- Learn a musical instrument - (x) ...believe me, I really want to!
- Get braces - (x) ...seems far-fetched! None of my friends or family supports me on this-- they actually strongly believe my crooked teeth looks fine.
- Learn to swim - (x) ...I don't think I ever will. I tried, but I really do not float.
- Watch a sunset - (?) ...I did, once, but I don't wanna count it because I was walking and watching. Not just "watching". Such standards!
- Complete a month of #FMSPhotoADay Challenge -

All hail:

I love July for this! I got to finish a month -- finally! Of course, with a help from my friends, coz I really can't do this by myself. I tend to forget, sometimes intentionally. But I got to finish it this time! I am so happy! ^_^ That's one off my bucket list! (and no plans to do it again...)

And so, for the next months, here are some things that I'm adding to my "to acquire" list:

...may this blog post act as a simple reminder for me to strive to get them all by the end of the year. 
- Angeology (I strongly believe I have Nephilim blood! ^_^)
- Love Story (I know I've read this, but I already forgot how beautiful it was!)
- BookmarkSlashDictionary (because I have to.)
- The Book of Love (because I want to.)
- Clutch Bible --the priciest of them all (but because I NEED to!)

...anyway I still have 5 months to completely tick off everything in my list.

May the odds be ever in my favor :)

I didn't write more. 
My penmanship's still ugly. 
(But only because it can't keep up with my uber fast thinking kuno.)

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