Sunday, September 15, 2013

You know you're old when the baby you named years ago, is now asking you to name her very own baby!

And I had this thought, just a couple of days ago, about names and the naming game, when I read a very pretty name. I instantly visualized a fine lady... only to find out a little later that this name belongs to a girl who tries to reject her womanhood!

So, someday, when she embraces the bob-cut or boy-cut and every manly thing she can acquire for herself, she would be stuck with her name, Princess Cinderella. (I made up the name, of course...)

So, I thought of names that could be suitable, even when the little Junior decides to be Miss Talipapa in the future...

For example: Alex, Charlie, Drew... and lots more. There are, of course, many websites that offer a list nowadays, unlike in the olden days when they just give whatever name that pops out of their head when asked.

You can also try to flip open a dictionary and get from the words there like Justice and stuff. Just be careful not to use names that are being used for our domesticated furry friends =( please?

After all, you were given at least 9 months to give a proper name, don't just rely on what storm is raging or whatever political event that's currently on the news to base your child's name after.

Also, keep in mind that they'll become grandparents too, and won't it be too awkward to call on Grandma Sassy?

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