No One BLOGS Anymore!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The latest entries I've seen from other blogs were way back 2011!

And I speak for myself when I say --I blame Facebook!

Anyway I was thinking of what I have not blogged about since my hiatus, and there were some few significant events. I actually posted them in Posterous --which now just says Good night, Posterous! I was not even given the chance to back-up my files!

So I will be stating a few:

July 14, 2012. My grandparents celebrated their 52nd Wedding Anniversary!

August 3, 2012. My Lolo/Tatay passed away. My grandmother's been sad and sickly since then.

August 13, 2012. My monster mom, who fondly calls me her princess and was sorry she did not adopt me when I was younger, passed away too. This photo was taken in 2010.

I also had a puppy! His name was HAPPY. Sadly, he passed away too.

So, basically, I remembered only the sad events. It's not that nothing GOOD happened, maybe they're just not that significant. ^_^

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