...sadly I have no pictures of it that so I can brag it loud.
Last December 20 (tuesday) we left for Panggasinan at 1.40 pm. Got there (Brgy. Batakil, Pozorrubio, Panggasinan) at 7.40 pm. Then we slept at the Buada's ancestral house (hehe! it doesn't look so old though). The next morning, I woke up at 5.47 to take a bath. I finished at 7 am or so. Bro. Edcel and Sis. Geraldine's wedding will start at 9 am which explains why i became an early bird that day...
After the wedding (and after all the food! ;-)) we went to Baguio, which was my first time! I didn't know that the way going up would be that thrilling (we took the Kennon road!) Even the person whom I never expected to get scared got stiffed! And when we finally got to Burnham park, talk about luck... it was raining! We got off the van, went to the washrooms, bought strawberries and buttered corns, got rained on, got our feet dirty, took ONE picture, and got on the van again. Beautiful. My feet didn't even stay for one hour at Baguio City! But I loved the coldness. Even my breath was chilly. (what's the right word?... can i use the word "smoke"? guess not...)
On our way back, we took the Marcos highway. It wasn't as steep as Kennon road but the fog was so thick. The clouds have gone down. Visibility was down to.. um.. 20 feet? Or less? It was more than thrilling! Hehe! We'll who wouldn't be thrilled when you can't see where you are going? The road we were taking seemed to be floating because both sides of the road are covered with thick fog. WHITE WAS EVERYWHERE. Pure bliss.
Then the sun shone in La Union (or Benguet? I don't clearly remember for I was still overwhelmed by what I have experienced. Even riding on the plane wouldn't give me that feeling BECAUSE my window was open and you can't do that on the plane!)
We were supposed to go to San Fabian's beach if only we didn't get lost.
Then we passed by Geraldine's house once again (2 hour drive from Baguio) and start our drive home again...
...and what do you know, we got lost again! We just realized it when we reached the end of the road and saw a signboard which says "to Baguio". Turned out that there was a detour on the road which was supposed to lead us out to North Luzon Expressway. We reached home at 12.30. I slept at tita Bok's house because there was noone i our apartment (at 12.30 am?!!!). My two brothers were out. The next day i found out that they went home at 12.45 pm.
Oh by the way, tomorrow would be our Annual Footwashing and Communion. Then on Friday we are going to a resort in Laguna. Swimming on winter. La namang winter sa Philippines but it's really cold here. Even on high noon you can feel the cold.
it's december 4th and i'm waiting for her to go online...
the year would soon be over, last night i was planning to write the things that i have done this year, the changes, and the new experiences i've had and the lessons i've learned but then i get stiffed. i slept. despite the stomachache i had last night because i ate too much that day, i still managed to sleep.
last saturday, we were supposed to have orientation for the december 9 field trip to tagaytay, but i wasn't able to make it. but i was ecstatic to find out that i can still go with them :) although i haven't confirmed that yet, i am excited. i was thinking that hannah might be fooling me. i'm looking forward to it, just the same.
yesterday, i ate seafood :(
we had lunch at KFC and we went to tita bok's house afterwards but they were sleeping so bijit and i just watched the squirrel who freely roams the mango tree. then we were invited to eat at the royal mansion ;) the Catuncan residence. kaya i was forced to eat crabs and shrimps. i used to eat those, especially crabs! but i've stopped like years ago. so yesterday... i enjoyed! :D and then the dessert was... new to my senses. i forgot the name. but how can i forget the hershey's chocolate syrup?
jade's here... next time ulit.
by the way, like my new bLog?
when my brother's "mapagkaLinga" instinct attacked him, it brought us a cat...
he saw him wandering the street at night and he took a pity on him immediateLy! and yes, he took him home...
shigayshimiming (what eLse could be better than that? we can never agree to our OOOOLDER sister when she named him "haLimuyak" and neither can they when i suggested oink-oink...) he sLeeps Like there's no tomorrow...here he is again wearing jojo's oLd sock. he seemed to Like it.
(he's sick right now :-( kawawa naman...)
my week was.. good, so far.
i went on a fieLd trip as Learning faciLitator Last wednesday and how. i. loved. it! it was so much fun (a far cry from my non-chaLLenging job ;-) hehe!) i thought it would tire me, but it didn't (promise!) aside from my traveL going home. IF ONLY i sLept weLL the night before, which did not happen because i sLept at the FPE3 office, it wouLd have not drenched me.
the next day.. i reported for work (LuckiLy i wasn't scoLded) but forgive me, Lord, that i Lied when asked why wasn't i abLe to come "yesterday"... never mind that.
Last night, Friday night, my friends sLept over because i aLLowed my two younger brothers to go out for the night. they brought foods with them (which gives me another KFC tumbLer! it's superman this time!) after that, we were supposed to go to BaywaLk, Roxas Boulevard if onLy we didn't Laugh much over dinner which made one of my friends... oh, i don't wanna mention that for the worLd to see.
i have more things to do on the internet (which i missed since the main cabLe got disconnected, or stoLen rather!) so i've to stop here.
bye for now... miss ko na si... ;-P
it's been a whiLe...
weLL, Last week, Jedai went back to Manama :( whiLe CaLe was in the Southern province of Bacolod City and my constant companion Ghaye went home to her family on the Northern province of Panggasinan... it was terribLe! it was the semestraL break!!! i was
but now things are back to normaL. except jedai's not here to noisen up our apartment. ;)
but tomorrow wiLLbe a new beginning for me...
so, ta-tah! a'bientot!
i wrote to tell you that i have a crush!!! maganda yung boses niya... okei? yun lang. |
well, well... it's been a while.
how have i been doing, you might ask, well... bored. i am just killing the time here and still facing the monitor despite my headache.
i have let go of something special this week. yesterday, to be exact. i was fed up. i needed space... it wasn't as frustrating as it was before. (yes, it happened a zillion times) but it's the last this time, i guess ...or hopefully.
i didn't say "someone special", didn't I? :-P
i fetched her at the airport. her plane arrived at 1:10 pm (Gulf Air flight 254). i didn't see her immediately, not after 2 more planes arrived and all the passengers have come down. and when finally i've seen her-- on tattered shirt (this is what you call exaggeration!) n0, really, it was!.. Like she came from Divisoria or something.. she's still chubby, at least not as fat as the last time she's been here..
it was so HOOT in the car, i thought i was going to faint plus my head was throbbing painfully! (oh, manila, what more can i expect from you???)
and right after we put her baggages home, we headed to SMB and had late lunch at KFC ( i wanted to have the batman tumbler, that's why!)that's RJ (my haLf sister) on the far corner, then ate (JEDAI), my bro's-yves and seated beside mom is jojo...
and after that, we spent the rest of the afternoon at the department store hopelessly looking for each other. and when we finally did, it was time to go home. imagine how wonderfully tiring that was? (not to mention disappointing.)
but i was glad to be home because of my reliable headache. we spent the night watching the mummy and the mummy returns (my favorites!) on jedai's iBook...
check out more pics on my friendster photo album at http://kristelle04.blogs.friendster.com
i'll add more soon! bye for now!
it's friday right? well, i started my day fine by watching one of my favorite movies, the cutting edge!!! i was so surprised to find out that tita par bought it (how i loved her this morning)! and then i went to my sunday school room to finish the decorations i've been working on (still isn't done! i still have to be back there tomorrow...).
this night we had a training... went fine. bitin lang...
Cale's adoring me these days, by the way. as in, he visits me on my room, pulls me with him wherever he goes, and he actually gets jealous when izsak comes near me! he even leaves izsak just to be with me, imagine- he's his bestfriend! it started when we watched "madagascar" together. he thinks i'm a genius that i have memorized the lines. too much for him because he's imitating ALL the lines on ALL his favorite movies that her mom stopped him from seeing dinosaur films because that's where he got his identity crisis that he doesn't know whether he was a human or a dinosaur... but i'll tell you my secret... he doesn't know that i'm just reading the captions!!! he he... genius, ain't i?
i wonder what to do with my blog. i wanted to change it's name but i still haven't thought of any that would complement. and it's so empty!!! guess that's the most visible consequence of procrastinating...
this is my new onLine diary...